The Modern Hot-air Balloon


A hot-air balloon 'average' it has a height of around 20 meters, practically like a building of 6 floors.
The maximum diameter of the wrap measures around 18 meters and the volume of air that it contains from 2200 to 3000 meters cubes that correspond to a weight of air of 2500-3500 Kgs.
The wrap is constituted by around 1300 m2 of fabric, with which six or seven hundred impermeable jackets could be manufactured. Every hot-air balloon is built on ordination, therefore can be personalized at the most, both in the form and in the colors.
The basket is entirely realized to hand.


Heating, the contained air in the wrap dilates him until, reached the maximum capacity of the same wrap, it begins to escape from the opening in low.
When has gone out a quantity of air corresponding to the weight of the basket with his occupants, the hot-air balloon it is in equilibrium.
From this moment, more he heats and more air escapes, relieving the ball that begins to climb. Making to cool, the air that had gone out reenters getting heavy the ball that begins to come down.
The leveled flight it is gotten maintaining constant the weight of the air inside the wrap.
The effect of the heated one it realizes him around 20 seconds after this has been effected in how much the air has to have the time to expand herself and to go out. For this reason the hot-air balloon conducts him playing of advance.
The greater difficulty in the pilotage of a hot-air balloon, is the correct respect of the necessary heat. In fact, since the verification is effected after 20 seconds, the quantity of heat that has been introduced can result excessive and the ball climbs more than the due one, or poor and the ball it doesn't climb or it starts to go down.

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